53+ Amazing Urban Farmhouse Exterior Design Ideas

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In addition to the interior, the exterior design of a house and private residence must be highly considered. Especially for those urban residents who uphold the value of tradition and still maintain it. Some people leave their homes beautiful and comfortable from the inside, but it looks terrible on the outside.

It’s comfort in the main house, but the view that people see when looking at your home from outside will also affect. A beautiful home is one that has an attractive design from the outside and inside.

Urban Farmhouse Exterior Design Ideas provides a variety of exterior design samples that can be applied to your dream home. Of course, we don’t want to go home from work tired of seeing an uncomfortable house to look at.

Make your house your castle. No matter how wide it is, make it as attractive and comfortable as possible in your way and style. Urbanization that occurs makes cultural exchanges very contrasting, and many people still maintain the tradition as a principle of life in the middle of the city.

This side can see from the example of the home design above. This sample design uses modern acculturation and traditions that are still thick. The use of primary layered wood is still the leading choice among the many houses that use brick as a foundation.

Then the combination of neutral colors like white and black that dominates to be the primary requirement for the application of a traditional dwelling. Although using wood as the primary material, but still using some wall ornamentation as a strong support pillar.

Besides, placing several types of plants at the front of the house and yard that is quite symmetrical makes traditional effects even thicker. Then to add to its modern impression, use some windows wide enough without frames.

Or use some window shades that seem modern like a square or random shape that will only add to the unique impression of a house. Besides, do not forget the floor, using granite or other types of rock ornament can add a vintage feeling of your home.

image source : pinterest.com

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